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Many of you would know of left-brain and right-brain thinking in us human beings. The left brain is associated with logic, analysis, structure, and precision—it excels in processing numbers, language, and patterns methodically. In contrast, the right brain is linked to creativity, intuition, emotion, and imagination, thriving in artistic expression and abstract thinking. While some people are stronger in one than the other, human beings require ‘whole brain’ thinking to excel and fulfil in their jobs and life. I realised that a lot I do in AI and tech spans both these hemispheres. I do Writings, Podcasts, Videos, Books which require logic and structure. But, I also do a lot of right-brain stuff like Keynotes, Advocacy & Influencing, AI Coaching, Board Briefings, AI Bootcamps. which require creativity, imagination and intuition. Doing both is what make my offerings complete.

I also realised that AI development seems to mirror this division! Predictive and analytical AI, like machine learning models used for forecasting, fraud detection, and optimization, is inherently left-brained—it relies on structured data, probability, and pattern recognition to make logical decisions. Generative AI, on the other hand, is right-brained, capable of creating text, art, and music, mimicking human creativity. It doesn’t just analyse—it imagines and synthesizes. As AI evolves, we are moving towards whole-brain AI, where structured reasoning and creative intuition merge, pushing the boundaries of human-machine collaboration.

Whole-brain AI is becoming our second brain!

This has been the inspiration behind my new website too. The home page will show you the analytical left brain and what I offer in AI and tech with that thinking, as well as the creative right brain (depicted through an amazing Kunal Shah-Sora video*) and what I offer there.

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